Aretha Frankensteins has been our list of restaurants to try for a while. We had heard that it was really small, had slow service, and that we should be prepared to wait. Breakfast is not a meal that I like to wait for. You can’t kill time with a glass of beer or sip some wine – all you want is coffee and food. So, we decided to go on a Tuesday morning, around nine. When we got there, all of the tables (all four of them) were full, and a waitress gestured for us to sit at an arcade game table. We tried to sit there, but couldn’t even get our legs under the top. Luckily a table was just emptying and we asked if we could sit there. The gentleman behind the bar said sure and cleaned it up for us immediately.
We received our menus and first cup of coffee very quickly. We were given plenty of time to look over the menu. I settled on pancakes – a slim stack for $4.95 with a side of applewood smoked bacon – $3.00. Hubs chose eggs and bacon with grits for $6.95. It did take a while for the food to arrive, but the place was interesting to look at and we were in no hurry. Our server came around several times to refill our coffee.
This was the view from my seat. This is the depth of the restaurant. It is literally two tables deep. Cans and bottles stacked in the corner.
This is the view in the other direction. There are seats at the bar and the two tables on the other side of the restaurant. A total of 4 tables.
The food, when it arrived was very good. When I first saw my pancakes, I was a little concerned because I don’t like thick pancakes (I didn’t realize that thick pancakes were what they were known for). However, these pancakes were great! They had just the right amount of crispness on the edges and were incredibly light and fluffy. The bacon was flavorful and also cooked perfectly. The hubs eggs and biscuit were good, but the grits were phenomenal. They were a bit hot and spicy and cheesy all at the same time. I kept tasting them, trying to plan how I was going to recreate them at home. While we ate, our server checked on us several times and kept our coffee filled.
All in all we were very pleased. I can’t vouch for what it is like on a weekend, but a weekday morning was quite pleasant.
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