I live in these J. Jill Linen Big Shirts all summer long!
I am pretty particular when it comes to food, coffee, and temperature. The food and coffee is self explanatory – the temperature maybe not so much. I like to joke that I am only comfortable temperature wise about 2 weeks in March and 2 weeks in October. I hate hot weather and I’m not too fond of really cold weather, though I would much rather be cold than hot. I do all my gardening and outdoor activities first thing in the morning if possible, and if not, then they usually just don’t get done. The odd thing is that for someone who hates hot weather so much, I get cold really easily. I am the one you see wearing a sweater in air conditioned buildings. We keep our house at 76/77 in the summer – that is plenty cool enough for me.
This makes deciding what to wear to go out to eat in the summer tricky. Too much and I am burning up in the car and going in and out of the restaurant. Not enough and I freeze all through the meal. Enter my favorite compromise – J. Jill’s Linen Big Shirt. I love these shirts and have them in three different colors – would love to have them in even more colors! My newest addition is the yarn-died version which is gorgeous! It looks like chambray, but is light and breathable. The long sleeves can be rolled up for the drive to the restaurant and rolled down when I get inside.
Worn with jeans, it’s casual, yet not too casual. It can be worn open over a tank top, where it acts more like a light jacket. Worn with white jeans, it dresses up even more. I love it!
I’m linking up with: Visible Monday @ Not Dead Yet Style Turning Heads Tuesday @ Elegantly Dressed and Stylish What I Wore Wednesday @ Tucker Up Fun Fashion Friday @ Fashion Should Be Fun Street Style Sunday @ Style Me Sunday What I Wore @ The Pleated Poppy Shoe and Tell Fashion Link Up @ Style Nudge Manic Monday @ Pieces of Me Sunday Funday @ BonBon Rose Girls Reasons to Dress @ Reasons to Dress Fashion Friday @ Jo Lynne Shane Throw Back Thursday @ Happiness at Mid-Life Wednesday Pants @ Sydney Fashion Hunter
I am with you Pam, I can’t stand the heat or cold either. I am happy in upper 60s but that’s very rare where I live. This looks like a great summer top for you! Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you next week. Have a great weekend!
Hi Pam!
So glad you came. I am similar with temperature but I used to always be cold too. I am not a fan of extremes, cold or hot. Love the JJill top, looks great and put together with jeans and the pop of red with your shoes
Thank you for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday!
jess xx